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Wire Journal News

H.L. Blachford will represent lubricants from Italian supplier in U.S. and Canada

H.L. Blachford Ltd. announced that it has entered into a partnership agreement with Bellini Tecnologia Della Lubrificazione SpA, a lubricants and metal working fluids manufacturer based in Bergamo, Italy, to distribute their products in Canada and the USA.

A press release said that H.L. Blachford will now be able to offer their customers a wide variety of new products ranging from water-miscible coolants, neat cutting oils, forming and drawing lubricants to industrial lubricants, and more. “We are excited about this strategic alliance with Bellini,” said H.L. Blachford President Michael Cundari. “It expands our product offering, allows us to re-enter key metalworking markets, and brings a strong value proposition to our future customers.”

Cundari’s counterpart said that he has high hopes for the deal. “We enter this partnership with high expectations as Blachford is a technology based chemical manufacturer with whom we share a similar history and values such as reliability and dedication to technical customer satisfaction,” said Bellini SpA President Marco Bellini.

Read 1561 times Last modified on September 2, 2022

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