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Reel Options by Vandor Corp

Promotion Level: Free Listing
Platinum Member: No
Acronym: RO
Facility Type: Manufacturing Plant
Parent Company: Vandor Corporation
Number of Employees: 120
Year Established: 1972
Contact 1: Rick Brown
Contact 1 Job Title: Mktg Mgr
Contact 2: Adrienne Cowen
Contact 2 Job Title: Sls Mgr
Contact 3: Chris Nichols
Contact 3 Job Title: Nat'l Accts
4251 W. Industries Rd
State/Prov: IN
Country: USA
Telephone: 1-765-966-3699
Telephone 2: 1-800-428-6991
Reel Options by Vandor Corporation is a leading manufacturer and supplier of light and medium duty, low cost single use reels for cable, communication wire, fiber optic wire, and other products requiring wound packaging. We are the leader in plywood replacement reels. We work with our customers to supplier quality reels that offer the level of protection the customer desires.
Products/Services: Reels, spools - 6.5" up to 24" diameter, with customer specified traverse lengths.
Facility Size: 100K sq.ft. and up
  • ISO 9001
  • ISO/TS 16949
Ownership: Privately Held
Revenue: $10 - 50M