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Midwest Chapter cancels golf tourney, 3 other chapter tournaments in a September ‘go mode’

Madison, Connecticut, USA – May 6, 2021 – The WAI’s Midwest Chapter grudgingly officially cancelled its annual golf tournament, but three other chapter tournaments are still scheduled to be held, all in September.

“We would have loved to hold the golf tourney, but the June timing was too much of a challenge,” said Kevin Sopczak, who has had a key role in organizing the Midwest Chapter’s golf tournament. He noted that the board agreed, for the second year in a row, that the event would not be held because of Covid-19, a very disappointing outcome. “We know that business is the priority, and we didn’t want golf to be a distraction as restrictions are being removed.”

For now, the news to focus on is that the three chapters that have scheduled tournaments are optimistic that the events will be held.

Up first, on Tuesday, Sept. 14, will be the New England Chapter Annual Golf Outing, to be held at the Tumble Brook Country Club in Bloomfield, Connecticut. For more details, contact: Shannon Timme, tel. 203-453-2777, ext. 126, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Next up, on Thursday, Sept. 16, will be the 2021: Ohio Valley Chapter Annual Golf Outing, to be held at the Kennsington Golf Club in Canfield, Ohio. For more details, contact: WAI’s Rex Tran, 203-453-2777, ext. 116, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The final event, on Thursday, Sept. 23, will be the Southeast Chapter Vannais Golf Outing at the Rock Barn Country Club in Conover, North Carolina. For more details, contact: WAI’s Rex Tran, 203-453-2777, ext. 116, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

At this point in a golf preview, all the details would have been finalized long ago, but in the current climate that is not the case. Golf courses are still evolving how they will handle group events, especially those that would traditionally include an indoor dinner, as well as what the cost would be. Those details are being discussed, and will be presented in future issues.

One other element that needs to be addressed is that each of the golf tournaments depend on sponsors to defray the costs for golfers, while the New England and Southeast chapters also use such funds to support their college scholarship programs. Companies that would like to support those efforts while getting recognition, are encouraged to become a sponsor. Multiple levels are available. For more details, contact: WAI’s Rex Tran, 203-453-2777, ext. 116, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read 2134 times Last modified on May 6, 2021
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