EWPTE Electrical Wire Processing Technology

  May 06, 2025 - May 08, 2025

  Baird Center, Milwaukee WI, USA  |  Milwaukee, United States

EWPTE is where the industry comes together with more than 3,000 attendees and nearly 200 exhibitors to find solutions to challenging wire problems through training and education and for the opportunity to network with industry leaders and subject matter experts.

Produced by WHMA/IPC, the ONLY trade association exclusively representing the cable and wire harness manufacturing industry including manufacturers, their suppliers and customers.

Conference: May 6-8, 2025    Exhibition: May 7-8, 2025

Learn More: https://www.electricalwireshow.com/event-information/contact-us

Save these dates for EWPTE 2026!

May 5-7, 2026

The Wiring Harness Manufacturer’s Association® (WHMA) was established in 1993 to serve and dedicate their resources to the global cable and wire harness industry. WHMA is the ONLY trade association exclusively representing the cable and wire harness manufacturing industry including manufacturers, their suppliers and customers.


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400 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee
WI 53203, United States




All Dates

  • From May 06, 2025 to May 08, 2025